Quick and Easy Meals Equals More Family Time

February 29 2020

Do you wish you’d have more conversation and meaningful time with your kids? It’s time to bring everyone back to the dinner table. Studies show that 70% of meals are eaten away from home, which means families today are missing out on a lot of good connection time.

What if you could bring that connection back? It doesn’t mean that you have to cook gourmet meals or slave over the stove for hours on end. Quick and easy meals have the same effect as meals that take hours to prepare. It’s what happens around the table rather than what’s put on the table that matters.

Nutrition is Key

Quick meals don’t mean that you run through the drive-thru and everyone eats from their spot in the car. Quick and easy meals can be made at home with quality products, such as Winkler Meats, that nourish your family while giving you time together.

A few quick veggies, a quality protein, and a complex carbohydrate and you have yourself a nutritious and filling meal that will bring your family running to the dinner table.

Why Eating Meals Together is Important

Eating meals together brings a form of bonding that nothing else can provide. It’s a time that everyone can relax and feel the comfort of their loved ones around them. It’s a time to vent, share, celebrate and just be without the pressures of the outside world or ‘chores’ on your back.

Studies show that eating meals together help families stay healthier, have a more positive outlook on life, and have a better body image. In today’s harsh world of social media and pressures from others to be ‘perfect’ there’s a welcome reprieve in being able to ‘just be’ with your family.

Choose a Time That Works for Your Family

Here’s the thing – you don’t have to eat dinner together if that doesn’t work. If everyone has different schedules and it becomes more stressful to eat dinner together, find another time. Is breakfast better? Is everyone around at lunchtime? Maybe it’s just dessert that you all gather around the table and talk about your day.

No matter what time of day it is, you can still prepare a nutritious and delicious meal that takes only minutes to prepare. Today, it’s easier than ever to cook up delicious meals with just a few wholesome ingredients. Include a protein so everyone gets full for a few hours and you’ve fueled your family up heart, stomach, and soul.

For quick, easy, and nutritious recipes, go to our Recipes page.

Stop stressing about cooking a gourmet meal. Take the pressure off yourself and enjoy your family. Relish in the time together while nourishing their body with good food that’s quick and easy. Put your time and effort in connecting with your loved ones rather than stressing over how many dishes you have to prepare and how long it’s going to take you to clean up.